Flat Shoals
Shopping dates: November 4-8, 2024
Visit the online fair to sign up for e-wallet, preview, shop, and sign up to volunteer. All purchases benefit our school.
Sign up HERE for Veteran's Day
Wednesday, November 13th: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade
Thursday, November 14th: 3rd, 4th and 5th grade
Students can bring up to two guests. The cost is $3.95 per adult guest (cash or check only). We hope you can join us!
Sign Up HERE for Thanksgiving Lunch
(Deadline is Thursday, November 7th)
PTA Updates
------------------------------------------------------- 2024-2025 Annual Student Updates
Forms are now available in the Parent Portal. Click on the flyer link below to access the links for signup or login. You can also find instructions on how to locate and complete the forms once you are inside the portal.
If you have any questions, please contact the school.
AUA Flyer.pdf
Student Handbook
Flat Shoals Elementary School Student Handbook 2023-2024.pdf
M.O.R.E After School Program
M.O.R.E. stands for Motivational Opportunities for Remediation and Enrichment. It runs from after school until 6:00 PM each school day. A late fee will be assessed if a student is picked up after 6 o'clock. The late fee is $1 per minute after 6 o'clock.
There is a one time registration fee of $25. The daily rate is $15.00 per day.
If you have any questions related to the M.O.R.E program, please feel free to contact our Assistant Principal, Ms. Kela Jones
Need to Make a Payment?
See these resources for more information:
Envision Payment Solutions Letter (English and Spanish)
Online School Payment Parent Instructions (English)
Online School Payments Parents Quick Start (Spanish)
FY23 Envision Letter -Returned Check Information.pdf